We are excited to welcome the new leadership of WNBF Argentina.  President Leandro Ezequiel Echezarreta will be leading the natural movement from 2023 and beyond just as Victor Velasquez has done before him.  WNBF Argentina is now based in San Miguel De Tucuman.  The WNBF Argentina leadership also consists of Vice President Matias Gabriel Medina, and Secretary Angel Gambino.

A message from the President;

Many athletes in Argentina want to belong to a truly natural federation.  We continue to see other worldwide federations grow and we also want WNBF Argentina to grow like other affiliates have done.  We want to show society how beautiful our sport is without the need to consume substances that are harmful to our health.  We want all fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts to view the body as a whole, not just for the physical body but for the strengths of the mind and soul also.  We wish that people may reclaim the concept that our ancestors practiced.  To forge their personality through motor learning as the principle for a good life, understanding this as our first home, and practicing it for life.

WNBF Argentina will act mainly as an informative organization for the remaining of 2023, and we will seek to be the main references in creating as much awareness as possible of drug free sport in my country.  The morals and values of the WNBF will continue to be upheld in all that we do in Argentina.

We take our role as new leaders of WNBF Argentina very serious.  We will do all we can in any situation to improve natural bodybuilding for our members.  Many believe that Argentineans struggle financially and they cannot afford to compete but this is simply not the case.  I believe in the bodybuilding community and that their mindset has changed.  This if visible when you look at the numbers of people who compete in multiple organization events and most are not even drug tested.  We look forward to athletes pursuing the path of health and self-respect, and we hope that we all can reach more young people and that they will be supported by our communities across Argentina.

I always say “by my side” (not behind), I have an army that pushes me to continue. I am grateful to all of them for this opportunity, because I am BECAUSE WE ARE! It would be nothing without my wife, my friends and many athletes who have supported me.  This support is more than a working relationship, we have formed a family…with the same thought – RESPECT!

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Thank you Victor for all of your leadership and support to the WNBF, and we wish the best of luck to you and your family.  We hope that you will continue to be involved with the WNBF and natural bodybuilding for years to come.

The WNBF is very proud to welcome WNBF Argentina as the newest World affiliate on this day of December 2, 2018!  President Victor Velazquez Insaurralde is a very experienced and motivated leader who has established the only drug tested natural bodybuilding and physique events for countries in and around Argentina for over a decade now.  Victor is also the first WNBF Physique Pro from Argentina.  We are honored to hand Mr. Velazquez WNBF leadership in his great country.

A message from the President;

I was inspired years ago to create a federation of natural bodybuilders (Argentine Federation of Natural Bodybuilding) where we “the naturals” are the focus of attention, and not those non tested athletes who came before us.  In the non drug tested organizations naturals always finished last.  These organizations essentially use natural competitors by offering them a competitive platform to compete yet they mocked us because we did not use drugs to enhance our physiques.  We have changed this competitive landscape in General Pico, La Pampa, Argentina!

Our primary focus has always been to promote sporting events without allowing the use of performance enhancing substances.  We will continue this focus as we are now affiliated with the WNBF.

As I look back at my competitive experience in the USA with the WNBF, I will always remember the way I was respected and treated by the representatives of the WNBF, and we hold these same values in terms of how athletes should be treated.  In Argentina we have always respected individual athletes and teams of athletes the same.  I believe that this approach encourages positiveness and camaraderie in our sport and it is why I hold so many lifelong relationships with competitors from around the world today.

Newly established WNBF Argentina has several great leaders and we want to announce our elected board officials;

President:  Victor Velazquez InsaurraldeVictor Velazquez President of WNBF Argentina World Affiliate of the WNBF

Vice President:  Santiago Pereyra

Secretary:  Eduardo Enrique Gomez

Provincial Delegates:

Buenos Aires: Javier Scheffer

La Pampa: Eliana Quiroga

Santa Fe: Gaston Ghione Maggio y Carlos Castella

Tierra del Fuego: Diego Bozak

Catamarca: Nery Sarmiento

Delegado: Rio Negro Rolando Montoya

Tucumán: Vanesa Urbano

Buenos Aires: Miguel Constantino

Neuquén: Ariel Zwenger

Salta: Lucas Barrera

Chaco: Sebastian Alva

I would like to extend a very special thank you to Fernando Sanchez, secretary of the sport management of the province of La Pampa. To each of the athletes from Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay who have come to compete in these last 10 editions of our tournaments. To Eliana Quiroga Hernandez for her unconditional support all these years and the Sanson Gym family.

I would also like to thank my wonderful children Larii and Josee for all of their love and support for myself and my passion to grow natural bodybuilding in my great country.

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