We warmly welcome WNBF Chile to the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation.  WNBF Chile was established on December 1, 2020 in Talca, Chile by President Miguel Alarcon Rivera.

Vice President – Roberto Rosales
Secretary – Paul Arenas Sandoval

A message from the President;

I am very happy to be given the opportunity to become a part of such an incredible organization where athletes from all around the world have the opportunity to compete on a level playing field.  I am excited to play my part and grow natural bodybuilding not only in Chile but throughout Latin America.  One of my goals is to attract many people who see bodybuilding physiques in the mainstream that are unattainable, but in natural bodybuilding anyone with the desire and dedication can practice this amazing sport.  WNBF Chile will also focus on developing loyalty to the natural sport and not the other.  The WNBF and it’s affiliates have been providing stages that offer a level playing field for all for over 31 years.  This is what I truly admire about the WNBF, it’s leadership, and their core values.

The athletes of WNBF Chile will soon have the opportunity to travel to the United States to compete on stage with the best athletes in the entire world.  It is my honor to be able to provide these ongoing experiences for them and my country.

I would like to thank my entire family for their incredible support as we embark on this journey, and I know they will be behind me and the WNBF every step of the way.

Please visit my event page by clicking here