Marcus Tecson is a forensic psychophysiologist who has played a very integral part of the WNBF drug testing policies in the Philippines and in Singapore, but he is now fighting for his life!

Marcus developed chronic kidney disease and is now in stage 5 of this horrible sickness.  Please read on and consider pledging support through the funding campaign contributing to dialysis and transplant surgery procedures.  Mr. Tecson does not have health insurance and he is presently unable to work.

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In 2017 Chris Byrne President of WNBF Philippines and Bob Bell interviewed Marcus to fulfill polygraph examination requirements of the first ever 100% fully drug tested sports event in Philippines history.  What we didn’t know at the time was the incredible qualifications of Mr. Tecson and the extensive testing background he had.  We discovered Marcus had over 15 years testing experience with over 10,500 tests on file in the criminal justice system.  Marcus was the perfect fit to drug test WNBF athletes.  Tecson’s credibility and integrity in drug testing process quickly gained the interest of other affiliates.  In 2019 Marcus was asked to travel to Singapore to test athletes at the 2019 Singapore WNBF Pro Qualifier organized by President Melvyn Yeo.  Providing the 2020 covid pandemic did not occur we are positive that Mr. Tecson would have continued testing in multiple countries for the WNBF in Asia this year.

A personal message from Mr. Byrne;  Marcus has indeed been an integral part of drug testing in the Philippines as well as in Singapore.  His forensic psychophysiology polygraph background has made him a great fit for us.  When I first met Marcus he was ecstatic to have the opportunity to drug test according to our standards, and we are honored to have had Marcus involved in one of the most important aspects of WNBF Philippines growth.

A personal message from Mr. Yeo;  Marcus approached testing in Singapore with 100% enthusiasm and he was a god send to us.  Because Singapore does not have polygraph examiners that have the education, certifications, and other requirements set forth by the WNBF it was necessary for us to find an examiner to drug test for us.  Since Mr. Tecson previously tested for WNBF Ph and got such incredible reviews he was a natural choice for us.  Marcus didn’t have any questions about the testing process but he was eager to get to work and certify athletes were 10 years drug free.  I was extremely proud to have Marcus involved in this very important aspect of WNBF Singapore’s inaugural event, and we greatly look forward to having Mr. Tecson back as soon as he overcomes this disease.

On behalf of the WNBF we are extremely grateful to have Marcus among our comprehensive list of WNBF polygraph drug testing professionals, and we hope to raise enough support to help fund all medical procedures, and to provide food for the family during this difficult time.  Stay Strong Marcus and we will see you in the Philippines or in another East Asia country testing athletes very soon!

Bob Bell
WNBF Vice President

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