We are excited to welcome WNBF Saudi Arabia President Fahad Alkhattaf and Vice President Naif Maarouf to the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation. WNBF Saudi Arabia was founded on October 29, 2023 in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.

A message from the President;

We are excited to have the opportunity to bring the WNBF to Saudi Arabia.  Our mission is to give natural athletes the ability to compete in Saudi Arabia on a level playing field, “DRUG-FREE.”  The WNBF is the most respected natural federation in the world for its unquestionable integrity in drug testing athletes on and off season, and we will continue this legacy in Saudi Arabia.  Our primary focus now is to organize the first natural bodybuilding competition in Saudi Arabia and provide a fantastic experience for the athletes and fans.

In the long term, we will work to grow WNBF Saudi Arabia to multiple shows a year and to establish a team of nationally qualified athletes to take to WNBF Worlds and display what Saudi Arabia can bring to our sport.

I want to thank Faris for his massive support and WNBF Pro Kyle Gallant for his encouragement to pursue this endeavor. Special thank you to Bob Bell and Tina Smith for welcoming us into the WNBF Family.

We would like to encourage all eligible athletes in Saudi Arabia and abroad to travel to compete with us in the near future.  Please stay up to date with WNBF Saudi Arabia by viewing our event page and social media HERE