WNBF Bodybuilding Pro Greg NotaroAbout Greg

Describe your path to the pros.

My path to the pro ranks was both tremendously difficult and enjoyable! I had to push myself beyond my limits day in and day out for years in order to finally build a physique worthy of professional status. This story isn’t unique and is shared by just about every professional natural bodybuilder in the WNBF. Many onlookers attribute this success to elite level genetics but the truth is, the majority of WNBF pros started out with average to sub average physiques. Twelve years ago when I started training it would have been humorous to utter the term “bodybuilder” in the same sentence as my name. Fast forward a decade and you’re looking at a professional level competitor. Elite level physiques are created by years of hard work and dedication, not genetics. Now that I’m a pro, this level of motivation continues to grow. The competition in the WNBF is fierce and increasing every year which means I need to look at myself now and understand that if I do my job, in a decade I’ll be laughing at my 2015 physique!

Which WNBF pro shows have you competed in?

2013 WNBF Tournament of Champions

2015 WNBF Pro American

What does being a WNBF pro mean to you?

Earning professional status in the WNBF is the culmination of years of tremendous dedication and hard work. The feeling of accomplishment is hard to describe. Knowing that I earned the right to compete alongside the best natural bodybuilders in the world will fuel my desire to improve and maintain my discipline in and out of the gym for the rest of my life. It is truly a blessing and honor to be a professional in an organization that I’ve looked up to for so many years.

Are you involved in any other parts of the sport?

Currently I am not.

Which WNBF show are you likely to attend?

The Worlds

Will you be competing in the 2015 Worlds in Atlantic City?

No, not this year.

What are your competitive goals?

My ultimate goal is to place in the money at the WNBF Worlds. Any monetary earnings in bodybuilding competition is just the icing on the cake. Ultimately I would like to establish myself as one of the best natural bodybuilders in the WNBF. You can’t put a price on that!