What got you interested in weight training?

My previous hobby was running.  I was a competitive runner and ran for various running clubs and West Yorkshire Police (retired since 2016). I was always into fitness and weight trained to supplement my running including strength and endurance activities. I ran for 35 years with numerous achievements both as a individual and as a Team Member.

What sparked your interested in competing?

When I retired from the Police I started a new career in Personal Training as I wanted to help others and have a passion for fitness. I decided I also needed a new challenge for myself, so decided to have a go at bodybuilding since I was already weight training seriously.  One of my Sisters used to be a bodybuilder.  I recall going to her shows and watching her compete, so I had an idea of what was involved.

Who was the most influential person/group that made you want to weight train?

My sister and the guys she trained as well as Lindsey Angel from when I started pursuing competing.

Where do you currently train?

I weight train at UltraFlex Durham or my place of current employment.

How long have you been competing?

I have competed for 4 years now and I absolutely love it.

How many competitions have you entered?

My first Year I competed in 9 Shows.  My second year approx 6 events.  My third year I did 6 shows.

What was your best placing and where?

My best placing was winning WNBF Pro Worlds 2019 in Los Angeles, California

What is your most memorable moment competing so far?

Winning the WNBF World Championships in 2019 while competing against 11 other incredible women!

What was the best workout advice you have ever received?

The best advice received was to focus on training hard and slow, engaging and feeling the muscles you want to work rather than the amount of weight you can lift. Train hard and heavy and be consistent and stick to the plan.

What do you like most about the WNBF?

What I like about the WNBF is meeting other inspiring athletes from all over the world.  A very friendly and well organised federation.





Spinning (hiits)nand Battlerope

Body Part (yours)?



Diet Food = oats, chicken and rice

Non Diet Food = Pizza

Non workout activities?

Pilates and Yoga

Please list any hobbies, special interests, or additional information that you would like to share:

Sport – running (cross country) and boxing conditioning.