Thomas Nordal Rasmussen
WNBF Pro Bodybuilder

Home and Family

Lives in Sønderborg, Denmark

Originally from Kalundborg, Denmark

Personal Stats

Age 43

Height 5’7″

Competition weight 152 lbs

Off season weight 167 lbs

WNBF Qualifying Event

UKDFBA – 2013

WNBF Competitive Category
Bodybuilding Middle Weight

Occupation:  Danish Court
Owner of Nordalfitness (PT, contestprep, etc)
DFNA Promotor
Marital Status: Single
Children: 0

What got you interested in working out?
I have also been the shy kid, but sports was something I was good at. At started out with soccer and played for 25 years. Being a kid of the 80’s seeing guy like Van Damme in the movies inspired me to try lifting weights. From the age of 17 to 35 training with weights increasingly became my sole way of exercising. As my knowledge grew, so did my interest in competing, but I never thought, that I could ever be good enough. One day I came across a married couple – both competing in fitness – and they gave me the push I needed to break through my mental barriers

What got you interested in competing?
I have always been very competitive. It doesn’t really matter, what type of activity I am doing, I always strive to be the best, I can.

Who was the most influential person/group that made you want to work out?
See above

Where do you currently workout?  Sønderborg City Fitness

How long have you been competing?
Since 2009. I did Athletic Fitness from 2009-2012 and then transitioned into Bodybuilding in 2013.

How many competitions have you entered?
WNBF Worlds 2016 will be my 10th competition

What was your best placing and where?
See list below

What is your most memorable moment competing so far?
Actually the whole journey with the WNBF has been so fantastic for me, but to single out one thing, would for sure be winning the bronze medal in Pro Lightweight BB at the 2015 Worlds for the second year in a row

What is your most surprising moment competing so far?
Going straight from athletic fitness to bodybuilding, I was happily surprised, that I was competitive from the get go. I never in my wildest dreams, thought I could become a WNBF Pro, something that makes me both proud and humble. Also the great atmosphere and the amount of friendly and inspiring people you meet at the shows, have been so great to discover.

What was the best workout advice you received?
Learn your craft and love the process.

What advice about fitness, health, etc. would you like to share with our readers?
Actually I would like to pass on the same two piece of advice that I got plus a third one. Keep it simple – and that goes both for the physical and the psychological side of things.

What do you like most about the WNBF?
That it gives us athletes a level playing field for competing.

Are you involved in any other parts of the sport? Training people? (Judging? Promoting?, etc.)
I coach athletes via my company Nordalfitness
I have done a little judging with the Faroese Federation for Natural Athletes.
I am a promoter with the Danish Federation of Natural Athletes.

What are your 2016 competition goals? Long range goals?
My next goal is Worlds 2016 in Los Angeles. My long term goal is to become World Light Weight Bodybuilding Champion.

What does being a WNBF pro/amateur competitor mean to you?
It means walking the walk and not just talking the talk. I am a natural athlete and put action behind my words.

• Exercise: I don’t have a particular favorite. I like pretty much anything.
• Cardio: Rowing or HIIT in generel
• Body Part (Yours): Shoulders and arms
• “Diet” Food: Something spicy, e.g. Indian food
• Non-Diet Food: Mexican or anything that involes bread. I LOVE bread!
• Non-Workout Activity: I love a good movie or tv-series.

• Sport? (Other than Bodybuilding, Figure, Bikini, Physique, or Fitness):
I am a huge Formula 1 fan.

Competitive Achievements

2015: WNBF Worlds Light weight: 3rd place
2015: SNBF, Multipower Men’s Pro Cup Open Class: 13th place
2014: WNBF Worlds Light weight: 3rd place
2014: SNBF, Multipower Men’s Pro Cup Open Class: 9th place
2013: UKDFBA, BB Open International Class 1st place WNBF Pro Card
2012: Athletic Fitness 2nd place
2012: Athletic Fitness 1st place
2010: Athletic Fitness 2nd place
2009: Athletic Fitness 6th place