We warmly welcome Mr. Jhosmar J. Ortiz Portugal and WNBF Bolivia to the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation.  WNBF Bolivia was founded on October 10, 2023 in Sucre, Bolivia.

A message from the President;

I have always been inspired about the incredible athletes from all over Bolivia, but I have recently wanted to step up and be a leader to provide a platform for natural athletes to compete on equal terms without having to sacrifice their health and well being by using drugs.  Natural bodybuilding is not only about sculpting our bodies, but also about forging our character and our determination,  It requires a commitment to ethics, integrity and health, even worse when we live in a world where the easy way is generally sought, where substance use has infiltrated and normalized in this sport.

We as WNBF Bolivia seek to create a space where our athletes can demonstrate their potential and achievements in a transparent and fair manner.  We are committed to offering an opportunity to competitors who follow the path of dedication, ethics and authenticity, proving that healthy and sustainable lifestyle is possible.  Together with all countries, we will continue to strive to change the perception of this sport and inspire others to embrace a healthy and authentic lifestyle.  This is possible through the WNBF which is the most respected federation in the world.  It is my honor to collaborate with this organization that has been defending the ideals of natural bodybuilding for 34 years!  All things are possible through the WNBF I believe.

As president of the WNBF Bolivia, I am going to give my all so that this purpose is fulfilled and that the credibility of our sport continues to grow.  I want to thank my family and my girlfriend who are always supporting me.  Thank you to Mr. Bob Bell, vice president of the WNBF and his entire team for trusting me and this initiative.  I also thank Mr. Roberto Amorosi for his collaboration, motivation, and communication over the past few months.

Please view my event page and social media by clicking HERE