INBF Northwoods Classic

City of Residence: Skowhegan, Maine

Event Location(s)/City State(s): Thomas College, Waterville, Maine

Children: Timothy, Tyrell, T’Meka, Karma, Niamh, Alayna, Tiana, and our dog, Boston

Occupations: Tim Williams, Police Officer Kate Williams, Coach and Trainer

Kate and I are looking forward to hosting our first INBF event on April 27, 2019 in Waterville, Maine!  We have always possessed a passion for the art of bodybuilding, and we admire the experience and changes it can spark in any individual as well as those who support them.  The INBF/WNBF have always had a strong stance against drug use and performance enhancing substances which is why we are proud to promote our event under this umbrella.  We also highly appreciate the INBF for it’s well organized and run shows, and the consistency in judging athletes in all divisions.  We appreciate the quality of the athletes that are drawn to the INBF/WNBF, and we admire all of their dedication to the organization.

We are looking forward to growing the sport of natural bodybuilding and physique competition in our region, and in the New England area in general. We also look forward to the connections and friendships that are created when working with such a cohesive group of athletes and promoters in the INBF/WNBF.   We are working hard in providing competitors with locally sourced goodie bags, as well as offering high quality awards to honor the athletes and all of their hard work on our stage.  The camaraderie and instant connection that competitors form backstage because of their shared experience with pre contest prep, and the focused lifestyles necessary to transition to stage is something we look forward to seeing at the Northwoods Classic.  Additionally, we look forward to the anticipated pre-judge which should always be a healthy yet competitive part of each event in our sport.

Notable Accomplishments/Titles for Tim:

  • 2017 Men’s Health Magazine Feature
  • 2015 INBF Northern States Supernatural
    • 1st Place – Middle Weight Bodybuilding
    • 1st Place – Masters 40+ Bodybuiding
  • 2014 INBF Hercules
    • 4th Place – Light Weight Bodybuilding
    • 2nd Place – Masters 40+ Bodybuilding

Please visit our INBF Northwoods Classic event page HERE