Laura Tourtellot Promoter of the INBF Granite State Open WNBF Pro Qualifier New Hampshire

Laura started lifting weights for bodybuilding in 1981, and has never stopped. Using resistance training to successfully compete throughout New England for ten years, she enjoyed being a top ranked natural bodybuilder. That passion never halted. Being a “gym rat”, she has worked with thousands of individuals and is a reputable Pro Masters Personal Trainer, locally and nationally.

In 1991 she was invited to head Judge for New England events, became a National Judge and Official and ultimately a Promoter.  Since then, Ms Turtle has produced NH’s Premier Natural Bodybuilding, Figure and Bikini Competition as a National Qualifier. The Annual Granite State Open is now sanctioned with the WNBF and always held on Halloween weekend.

Athletes often recognize this event as the best-run show they have ever participated in.  It takes a village to raise a show, and the volunteers and friends involved in this venue consistently put their passion into the sport. We celebrate health and well-being, a strong competitive and fair playing field and honor the first timer to the go-pro enthusiast. One and all are welcome to the NH Seacoast annual event.


Granite State Open – New Hampshire


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